The information requested in this form is important in assessing your application. Unless stated otherwise, CVs are not acceptable. Please write/type in black ink. The application form must be completed in full and signed so as to not cause any delays.
Post details |
Post applied for: |
Salary Expectation: |
If appointed when can you start: |
Title: |
First name: |
Middle Name: |
Family Name / Surname: |
Maiden or previous name(s): |
Home address & Post Code: |
Previous addresses (last 5 years including dates): |
Have you ever lived or worked abroad? (if so provide details including dates) |
Email address: |
Daytime telephone number: |
Home telephone number: |
Mobile telephone number: |
National Insurance number: |
Teacher’s Reference number: |
Do you have a current full Driving Licence? |
Do you have use of a car? |
Do you have Business Car Insurance? (this will be needed to commute between sites) |
Current or most recent employer |
Organisation Name & Address |
Job title: |
Date appointed: |
Salary |
Are you still employed by this organisation? |
☐Yes ☐ No |
Date and reason for leaving (if applicable) |
Employer History |
Employer Name & Address |
Job Title |
Dates of Employment From / To |
Reason for leaving |
Salary |
Other History (Please ensure that you provide a complete chronological history by listing below any periods not covered above in your employment history, e.g. travel, unemployment, sabbatical, carer responsibilities etc.) |
From |
To |
Reason |
Letter of Support – why are you applying for this position? • Please write in support of this application, showing how your experience, training, qualifications and interests are relevant and how you would contribute to the requirements of the advertisement, job profile and person specification. • You may complete this information below or attach as a separate word-processed sheet. |
Working Time Regulations 1998 The working time regulations were introduced on 1 October 1998 and working hours in the UK are now governed by statute. Employment which you intend to continue if successfully appointed to the position applied for must be declared below. |
Section 1 – No other employment |
I confirm that I do not have any other employment |
Signature: |
If form has been completed electronically, please place an ‘x’ in this box to indicate your consent à |
☐ |
Print Name: |
Date: |
Section 2 – Other employment |
Job Title |
Weekly Hours: |
Start Time |
End Time |
Signature: |
If form has been completed electronically, please place an ‘x’ in this box to indicate your consent à |
☐ |
Print Name: |
Date: |
Do you hold a current DBS Y/N |
If Yes, please insert DBS cert no: |
Referees |
One must be your present or most recent employer. The other must be a previous employer unless you have had no previous employment, in which case, a character reference will be needed or a reference from a School, Higher Educational Establishment or other professional. E.g. Tutor/Teacher References will not be accepted from relatives or from people writing solely in the capacity of friends. |
1) Present/Most recent employer |
Name: |
Organisation Name: |
Address: |
Postcode: |
Job Title: |
Relationship to applicant: |
Telephone no. |
Email address: |
May we contact this referee prior to interview: |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
2) Previous Employer |
Name: |
Organisation Name: |
Address: |
Postcode: |
Job Title: |
Relationship to applicant: |
Telephone no. |
Email address: |
May we contact this referee prior to interview: |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
NOTE: References will be taken up if you are called for interview. In view of the nature of the job no offer of employment can be made without these. We also reserve the right to take up employment references from previous employers listed in "Previous Employment". If, for any reason, you feel unable to give your present or most recent employer as a referee, please send a covering letter explaining why. |
Declaration by Applicant |
Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined in The Equality Act 2010? |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
If yes, please detail any reasonable adjustments that you would require if you were selected to attend an interview/assessment event |
If yes, please provide further information: |
Have you ever been known to any children’s services department or to the police as being a risk or potential risk to children? |
☐Yes ☐ No |
Have you been the subject of any disciplinary investigation and/or sanction by any organisation due to concerns about your behaviour towards children or have any of these pending? |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
If yes, please provide further information: |
Do you have any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings that are not “protected” as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (Amended) 2013? |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
If yes, please provide further information: |
Have you ever been barred from working with children? |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
If yes, please provide further information: |
Do you have any medical conditions |
Yes ☐ / No ☐ |
If YES, please state below: |
Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 |
It is a criminal offence to employ persons whose immigration status prevents them from working in this country. The Act does not affect citizens of the UK, Ireland, European Economic Area and the Commonwealth, provided they have a right of abode in the UK. You will be required to provide evidence prior to appointment of a National Insurance Number, passport or other document on the approved list to satisfy the County Council that the asylum and Immigration Act 1996 is being complied with. |
Do you require a work permit? |
☐ Yes ☐ No |
Confirmation of declaration (indicate your confirmation by ticking the box to the right of the statement) |
Declaration |
· I declare that the information given both on this application form and the attached equal opportunities monitoring form is true and correct. · I understand that any false or misleading information, or omissions of information concerning criminal convictions, may disqualify my application or may render my Contract of Employment, if I am appointed, liable to termination. |
Signature: |
Date: |
Print name: |
If form has been completed electronically, please place an ‘x’ in this box to indicate your consent à |
☐ |
Data Protection Act 1998 Karing People Healthcare will only process the information you have provided in this form for the purpose of recruitment and selection and, if you are successful in securing this position, for purposes relating to your employment. Your details will be kept electronically We will not disclose this information about you to outside organisations or third parties unless there is a legal requirement to do so, or for the prevention and detection of fraud. |
CONFIDENTIAL: Equal Opportunities in Employment – Monitoring Form |
This section will be removed for monitoring purposes before the selection process begins and will not affect the consideration of your application.
Karing People Healthcare wants to meet the aims and commitments set out in our Equality Opportunities Policy. This includes not discriminating under the Equality Act 2010 and building an accurate picture of the make-up of the workforce in encouraging equality and diversity.
Karing People Healthcare needs your help and co-operation to enable us to do this, however, filling in this form is voluntary.
The information you provide will stay confidential and be stored securely and limited to staff in our Human Resource department based at Head Office in Ashbourne.
Job applied for |
How did you learn of this vacancy? |
Surname and initials |
16 – 24 years |
☐ |
25 – 34 years |
☐ |
35 – 44 years |
☐ |
45 – 54 years |
☐ |
55 – 64 years |
☐ |
65 years and older |
☐ |
Prefer not to say |
☐ |
Ethnic Origin
This is the origin of your family rather than your nationality. For example, you could be British and your ethnic (family) origins could be any of the ones listed opposite, or a combination of them, or something more specific. Please identify your ethnic origin either by putting an ‘x’ in ONE of the boxes below or by giving your own description in the space provided.
A. White |
C. Black or Black British |
British |
☐ |
Caribbean |
☐ |
Irish |
☐ |
African |
☐ |
Gypsy / Roma |
☐ |
Any other Black background |
☐ |
Traveller of Irish Heritage |
☐ |
Any other White background |
☐ |
D. Asian or Asian British |
Indian |
☐ |
B. Mixed |
Pakistani |
☐ |
White and Black Caribbean |
☐ |
Bangladeshi |
☐ |
White and Asian |
☐ |
Any other mixed |
☐ |
E. Other ethnic groups |
Chinese |
☐ |
Any other ethnic group (please specify) |
☐ |
Please identify your religion by putting an ‘x’ in ONE of the boxes below.
Christian |
☐ |
Buddhist |
☐ |
Hindu |
☐ |
Jewish |
☐ |
Muslim |
☐ |
Sikh |
☐ |
Other religion |
☐ |
No religion |
☐ |
Prefer not to say |
☐ |
Sexual Orientation
Please identify your sexual orientation by putting an ‘x’ in ONE of the boxes below.
Bisexual |
☐ |
Gay man |
☐ |
Gay woman / lesbian |
☐ |
Heterosexual / straight |
☐ |
Other |
☐ |
Prefer not to say |
☐ |
Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were assigned at birth?
Yes |
☐ |
No |
☐ |
Prefer not to say |
☐ |
Disability Guidance
The Equality Act 2010 says that a person is disabled if they have a mental or physical impairment or long-term health condition which has a substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
If you consider yourself to be disabled, please let us know. We would appreciate advice on any assistance you may require or reasonable adjustments we might arrange to enable you to attend or participate in the interview, in compliance with the Equality Act 2010.
Do you consider yourself to be disabled as set out in the Equality Act? |
Yes ☐ / No ☐ |
If YES, please describe your disability. |
If you need any assistance to attend or participate in the interview, please give details. |
The information requested in this form is
important in assessing your application. Unless stated otherwise, CVs are not
acceptable. Please write/type in black ink. It is imperative that the
application form is completed in full and signed as to not cause any delays.
details |
applied for: |
Expectation: |
If appointed when can you start: |
Title: |
name: |
Name: |
Name / Surname: |
or previous name(s): |
address & Post Code: |
addresses (last 5 years including dates): |
you ever lived or worked abroad? (if so provide details including dates) |
address: |
telephone number: |
telephone number: |
telephone number: |
Insurance number: |
Teacher’s Reference number: |
Do you have a current full Driving Licence? |
Do you have use of a car? |
Do you have Business Car Insurance? (this will be needed to commute
between sites) |
Current or most
recent employer |
Name & Address |
title: |
appointed: |
Salary |
you still employed by this organisation? |
and reason for leaving (if applicable) |
History |
Name & Address |
Title |
of Employment From / To |
for leaving |
Salary |
Other History (Please
ensure that you provide a complete chronological history by listing below any
periods not covered above in your employment history, e.g. travel, unemployment,
sabbatical, carer responsibilities etc.) |
From |
To |
Reason |
Letter of Support – why
are you applying for this position? •
Please write in support of this application, showing how your experience,
training, qualifications and interests are relevant and how you would
contribute to the requirements of the advertisement, job profile and person
specification. •
You may complete this information below or attach as a separate word-processed
sheet. |
Working Time
Regulations 1998 The working time regulations were introduced on 1 October 1998 and
working hours in the UK are now governed by statute. Employment which you
intend to continue if successfully appointed to the position applied for must
be declared below. |
Section 1 – No other employment |
I confirm that I do not have any other employment |
Signature: |
If form has been completed electronically, please place
an ‘x’ in this box to indicate your consent à |
☐ |
Name: |
Date: |
Section 2 – Other employment |
Title |
Hours: |
Time |
Time |
Signature: |
If form has been completed electronically, please place
an ‘x’ in this box to indicate your consent à |
☐ |
Name: |
Date: |
you hold a current DBS Y/N |
Yes, please insert DBS cert no: |
Referees |
One must be your present or most recent
employer. The other must be a previous employer unless you have had no
previous employment, in which case, a character reference will be needed or a
reference from a School, Higher Educational Establishment or other professional.
E.g. Tutor/Teacher References
will not be accepted from relatives or from people writing solely in the
capacity of friends. |
1) Present/Most recent employer |
Name: |
Organisation Name: |
Address: |
Postcode: |
Job Title: |
Relationship to applicant: |
Telephone no. |
Email address: |
May we contact this referee prior to interview: |
2) Previous Employer |
Name: |
Organisation Name: |
Address: |
Postcode: |
Job Title: |
Relationship to applicant: |
Telephone no. |
Email address: |
we contact this referee prior to interview: |
NOTE: References will be taken up if you are
called for interview. In view of the
nature of the job no offer of employment can be made without these. We also
reserve the right to take up employment references from previous employers
listed in "Previous Employment".
If, for any reason, you feel unable to give your present or most
recent employer as a referee, please send a covering letter explaining why. |
by Applicant |
Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined in The
Equality Act 2010? |
If yes, please detail any reasonable adjustments that you would
require if you were selected to attend an interview/assessment event |
If yes, please provide further information: |
Have you ever been known to any children’s services department or to
the police as being a risk or potential risk to children? |
If yes, please provide further
information: |
you been the subject of any disciplinary investigation and/or sanction by any
organisation due to concerns about your behaviour towards children or have
any of these pending? |
If yes, please provide further information: |
you have any convictions, cautions, reprimands or final warnings that are not
“protected” as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
(Exceptions) Order 1975 (Amended) 2013? |
If yes, please provide further information: |
you ever been barred from working with children? |
If yes, please provide further information: |
Do you
have any medical conditions |
Yes |
YES, please state below: |
and Immigration Act 1996 |
It is a criminal offence to employ persons whose immigration status
prevents them from working in this country. The Act does not affect citizens
of the UK, Ireland, European Economic Area and the Commonwealth, provided
they have a right of abode in the UK. You will be required to provide
evidence prior to appointment of a National Insurance Number, passport or
other document on the approved list to satisfy the County Council that the
asylum and Immigration Act 1996 is being complied with. |
Do you require
a work permit? |
of declaration (indicate your confirmation by ticking the box to
the right of the statement) |
Declaration |
declare that the information given both on this application form and the
attached equal opportunities monitoring form is true and correct. ·
I understand
that any false or misleading information, or omissions of information
concerning criminal convictions, may disqualify my application or may render
my Contract of Employment, if I am appointed, liable to termination. |
Signature: |
Date: |
Print name: |
If form has been completed electronically, please place
an ‘x’ in this box to indicate your consent à |
☐ |
Data Protection Act 1998 Karing People Healthcare will only process the information you have
provided in this form for the purpose of recruitment and selection and, if
you are successful in securing this position, for purposes relating to your
employment. Your details will be kept electronically We will not disclose
this information about you to outside organisations or third parties unless
there is a legal requirement to do so, or for the prevention and detection of
fraud. |
Equal Opportunities in Employment – Monitoring Form |
This section
will be removed for monitoring purposes before the selection process begins and
will not affect the consideration of your application.
Karing People Healthcare wants to meet the aims and commitments
set out in our Equality Opportunities Policy. This includes not discriminating
under the Equality Act 2010 and building an accurate picture of the make-up of
the workforce in encouraging equality and diversity.
Karing People Healthcare needs your help and co-operation to
enable us to do this, however, filling in this form is voluntary.
The information you provide will stay confidential and be stored
securely and limited to staff in our Human Resource department based at Head
Office in Ashbourne.
applied for |
did you learn of this vacancy? |
and initials |
16 – 24 years |
☐ |
25 – 34 years |
☐ |
35 – 44 years |
☐ |
45 – 54 years |
☐ |
55 – 64 years |
☐ |
65 years and older |
☐ |
Prefer not to say
☐ |
Ethnic Origin
This is the origin of your family
rather than your nationality. For example, you could be British and your ethnic
(family) origins could be any of the ones listed opposite, or a combination of
them, or something more specific. Please identify your ethnic origin either by
putting an ‘x’ in ONE of the boxes below or by giving your own description in
the space provided.
White |
Black or Black British |
British |
☐ |
☐ |
Irish |
☐ |
African |
☐ |
Gypsy / Roma |
☐ |
other Black background |
☐ |
Traveller of Irish Heritage |
☐ |
Any other White background |
☐ |
D. Asian or Asian British |
Indian |
☐ |
Mixed |
Pakistani |
☐ |
and Black Caribbean |
☐ |
Bangladeshi |
☐ |
and Asian |
☐ |
other mixed |
☐ |
E. Other ethnic groups |
Chinese |
☐ |
other ethnic group (please specify) |
☐ |
Please identify your
religion by putting an ‘x’ in ONE of the boxes below.
Christian |
☐ |
Buddhist |
☐ |
Hindu |
☐ |
Jewish |
☐ |
Muslim |
☐ |
Sikh |
☐ |
Other religion |
☐ |
No religion |
☐ |
Prefer not to say |
☐ |
Sexual Orientation
Please identify your sexual
orientation by putting an ‘x’ in ONE of the boxes below.
Bisexual |
☐ |
Gay man |
☐ |
Gay woman / lesbian |
☐ |
Heterosexual / straight |
☐ |
Other |
☐ |
Prefer not to say |
☐ |
Is your gender identity the
same as the gender you were assigned at birth?
Yes |
☐ |
No |
☐ |
Prefer not to say |
☐ |
Disability Guidance
The Equality Act 2010 says that a
person is disabled if they have a mental or physical impairment or long-term
health condition which has a substantial adverse effect on their ability to
carry out normal day-to-day activities.
If you consider yourself to be
disabled, please let us know. We would appreciate advice on any assistance you
may require or reasonable adjustments we might arrange to enable you to attend
or participate in the interview, in compliance with the Equality Act 2010.
Do you
consider yourself to be disabled as set out in the Equality Act? |
Yes |
YES, please describe your disability. |
If you
need any assistance to attend or participate in the interview, please give
details. |